Friday, June 8, 2007

Thank you!

I must say that I have the most wonderful friends & family! I was really nervous about my last post. It's like, once you tell someone else, you can't go back. ;) Since then, however, I have been so overwhelmed with the support & encouragement that you guys have shown me. You're amazing! I already have a few sessions set up! So, I just wanted to say thank you. I love you all! I also wanted to thank my sweet husband. He has been nothing but supportive.

I have, of course, been practicing like crazy. I'm working on another blog to use as my portfolio, but for now, here are a few of my favorites so far...


Jen said...

Love the pics!

Tammy said...

Your pictures are awesome. I love all of these. I love black and white photos. I need to do some of CJ in black and white. Are you interested in taking some family pictures for me?