Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Chocolate chips & a new lens

If you read my previous post when I got tagged, you'll remember that I occasionally get food stuck up in my nose when I eat. Yeah, it's not pleasant. Well, it happened today with chocolate chips. It wasn't very much, but I could smell chocolate for the rest of the day! Which, you'd think would be cool, but alas, it was not. =}

On a positive note, I got my new lens today. So, I practiced on Sam & Hollie this afternoon. It's a lot harder to use than my other one, but hopefully I'll get better at it.


Mandalynn said...

I especially like the bottom two photos. Her red bow and angelic skin make a great contrast.

Tammy said...

Are you still smelling chocolate chips! That would be horrible. I love looking at your pcitures. Keep putting them on!