Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"Little Peanut"

That's what the nurse called Hollie at her 1 year check up yesterday. She weighs 17 lbs 0 oz, and is 28 3/4 inches long. That puts her below the 5th percentile for her weight & around the 50th for her height. So, she's grown a whoppin' 14 ounces in the past 3 months. My tiny little thing! No wonder she's still wearing a lot of her 3-6 month clothes. It saves me money, I guess. It takes her forever to grow out of anything! We will have to wait at least 4-5 months before we can turn her around, though. Which is ok, since she's still just in her infant seat & anything bigger is NOT going to fit in the 'stang. Dr. Goodwin said everything else looked great, especially her verbal skills. She has 6 words in her vocab now - mama, dada, baba (bottle), grandpa (I finally heard it yesterday!), baby, and by far her favorite - Sup (she sometimes adds the "y" to the end now. It kind of sounds like "sup-ie"). She's not fully walking yet, but is trying really hard. I just love to watch her discover her world. As much as I loved the newborn stage, I wouldn't trade this Christmas & last for anything.

I still haven't had time to go through all of the birthday pics. Hopefully soon! But here are a few random shots I got this morning.

1 comment:

Mandalynn said...

Tiny!! Are you guys coming to Grandma's party? I hope so - it will be nice to see other than on the internet.