Wednesday, September 19, 2007

In my daughter's eyes...

I've had a vision of this shot for months now. I've attempted several times, but never quite got it right. I finally did it today. Seeing it now stirs so many emotions - gratitude, relief, joy. My eyes were the one thing that I wanted to pass on to my beautiful baby girl. I want so much for her. I want her to be better, stronger & more patient than I am. But I also wanted her to always carry this small part of me with her. I love you, Hollie. You'll never understand how much until you hold your own little angel in your arms, someday.


Renee said...

Wow...Sam, that is an amazing picture. It definitely stirs emotions, & I'm not even related to you! hee hee...I just think you captured what every mom feels. Your pictures are beautiful! Hollie is so gorgeous. I hope Porter asks her out when they are 16! hee hee

Unknown said...

I LOVE these two pictures. I just love love love the eye shot. You two are just so beautiful!

Tammy said...

Fun pictures. I hate to break it to you but you not only have passed on your beautiful eyes but so many other great qualities! Hollie is blessed to call you mama!!

Jer, Er and kids said...

Beautiful mom and baby of course. I love the pictures of you both. Those beautiful blue eyes do say so much. we love you both!

Becky and Bryce said...

I just love what you wrote and your pose. If only I were that talented to put a picture behind an emotion and thought. I just love the way you think. I think every mothers feels that way. You're amazing!!!

Stephanie said...

I love your work! I would like to have my childrens pics done from you! your daughter is so beautiful!